Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tea Party

This past Saturday I had a tea party. It was originally supposed to be a thank you get-together for all the girls who helped me put together my wedding, but instead it ended up being a very casual event. Only one out of the eight girls who I invited were ever at my house at one time, as they could only stay for an hour or two before they went to visit with other friends. By the time we grew tired of the tea and the formalities of sitting nicely at the dining room table (which I had decorated with my Grandmother's tea set and at least a dozen fancy food items), it was nearly eight in the evening and we ended up sitting on the couch with my husband watching the 80's version of Knight Rider.

As the sun began to set and one guest turned into two, and then into three, my husband announced that he wanted to go for a swim down at the community pool. My tea-guests stared at him in bewilderment, wondering if they were kicking him out or inviting them to join him. He suggested that they go fetch their swim suits, as none of them lived more than five miles away, and we would all go swimming together.

That is exactly what we did. My nice, fancy, perfectly planned girl day turned into a pool party with my husband. Not that I'm complaining. Going to the pool with three of my best friends was a blast! It was like we were kids again, splashing each other, remembering all the crazy games we used to play over our summer breaks together, and just laughing about all the time we missed being together because life has gotten in the way. "We should do this more often" was something on everyone's lips that night. I agree with them one hundred percent.